Add a recipe

Adding a recipe on Listfixx allows you to create a meal plan using your favorite recipes - and helps you to share your favorite recipes with friends and family.

You can either add a favorite recipe from the web or a recipe that’s stored somewhere else - like in your recipe box at home, on a page you tore out of a magazine, or in your head. There are 4 ways to add a recipe to your profile on Listfixx.

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TIP: Recipes with photos help people to find new dishes to try!

1 - Email us at

We want to make it easy to get great recipes into Listfixx, so as we get started, just email us at

What you include:

  • Username

  • Recipe Title

  • Source (magazine? mom?)

  • A picture of the recipe

    • Please use your own if you have it or have permission to post it, not from the web - those images belong to the person who took them.

  • Ingredients and directions: If the recipe is online, send us the link, or if it’s not, email us the ingredients and directions.

Who enters the recipe: Team Listfixx

2 - Add a recipe from

Like to have control of your recipes? We get it. We made you these handy web portal to use (you can find it when you sign in at the top right corner of

Time required: 5 minutes per recipe - so worth it!

What you’ll enter:

  • Username

  • Recipe Title

  • A picture of the food you took, if you have it.

  • Ingredients and directions: First, the form will ask you if this recipe is yours.

    • If the recipe is already listed online, say no, and then include the link. You’ll enter the ingredients, and we’ll send our users to that site for the directions.

    • If the recipe is yours, you add the ingredients and directions one at a time.

Who enters the recipe: You!

Who double checks for formatting and then approves: Team Listfixx

Add a recipe on

TIP: We build the grocery lists from the ingredients, so please write them as is.

Add recipe from profile

3 - Add a recipe from your profile

On mobile, you can add your favorite recipe links from your profile page. Go to your profile page and click the button at the top that says add a recipe.

What you include:

  • Recipe Title

  • Link to the recipe online (we love to give credit to great foot creators!)

  • A picture of the food you took, if you have it.

Who enters the recipe: Team Listfixx

4 - Add a recipe from posting a meal

Add a recipe from posting a meal

When you finish a great meal, we want to get your meal and the recipes included up on Listfixx to inspire other users to try something new. As you are creating a post, you’ll see a button to Tag Recipes and then Add a recipe.

When you add a recipe, we’ll review it and then approve it in the next 48 hours so others can use it too.

What you include:

  • Recipe Title

  • Link to the recipe online

Who enters the recipe: Team Listfixx